
WARA-Ops is bringing together Swedish industry and academia to solve challenges in data-driven operational research.

We have regular events and workshops, and we provide a portal where data/ models can be stored, annotated, and analysed.

Current data partners include: 

Advenica ESS Ericsson Intel Schneider Electric


Latest News

Student projects (MSc and undergraduate)

27 September 2024

Universities are beginning to think about projects for their Masters (and undergradaute) students to– these are typically assignments that span a couple of months and involve researching and solving real problems.

If your organisation has interest in becoming involved in Masters (or undergraduate) projects, please get in touch. We are happy to help companies connect with academics and students. We can also help to advertise your project idea across the WASP universities; for example, maybe you’d like to involve MSc students to:

  • Use LLMs to detect anomalies
  • Explore methods to handle your log data more efficiently
  • Improve your operational efficiency
  • Etc.

If you are interested in setting projects involving companies affiliated with WARA-Ops, please also get in touch. We can connect you with the right people! Both: If requested, WARA-Ops is happy to provide the platform on which data can be hosted and/or processed.

In all cases, please contact Paul Townend or Johan Eker for more information!

New WARA-Ops Masters theses published

12 September 2024

Two more masters projects that have worked alongside WARA-Ops have been published: "A Comparative Analysis of Metadata Tools for use on Unknown Operational Datasets" by Leo Juneblad and "Analysis and Reduction of Computer Performance Metric Collection for Predictive Analysis" by Alban Gashi! These can be found through the links above or else by browsing our Projects and Reports section.

WARA-Ops May 2024 Workshop announced!

25 April 2024

WARA-Ops is organising a workshop on Data-Driven Research and Operations, to be held at Ericsson in Lund on Friday May 17, 2024. The workshop features a variety of talks by Industry and Academia on research and challenges around data-driven research.

Click here for the workshop page and registration: Workshop on Data-Driven Research and Operations.

Email Paul Townend or Johan Eker for more information.

New WASP/Vinnova call for funding - projects associated with WARAs

19 February 2024

Another new call for funding related to the WARAs (including WARA-Ops) has been launched! This is funded by WASP Sweden and Vinnova. The call offers funding for collaboration projects between industry and WASP academics, with expected outcomes being “the formulation of questions about future research challenges and plans for continued collaboration”. For more information please see the call website. The project should involve one of the WASP research arenas – such as your favourite one, WARA-Ops. If you come up with a proposal with an industrial partner, we’re happy to work with you to supply a letter of intent – just let us know. In the case of Ops, you want to be thinking around use of operational data – this could be stream processing, anomaly detection, log analysis, predictive analytics for operational management, etc. Please contact Paul Townend or Johan Eker for more information.

WASP have announced funded Research Arena PhD studentships

15 February 2024

WASP Sweden have launched a new call for academic and industrial PhD studentships linked to the WASP research arenas. If you have ideas on writing a proposal that involves operational data (including anomaly detection, predictive analysis of time-series data, log file analytics and more) then we encourage you to get in touch. We can help work with you to devise a proposal that has tight integration with WARA-Ops, and supply you with a letter of support. Please contact Paul Townend or Johan Eker for more information.

Intel Sweden to contribute data to WARA-Ops

2 February 2024

Intel Sweden and WARA-Ops are pleased to announce that Intel will be contributing data related to predictive modelling and anomaly detection for operational security in advanced computing clusters. We will update the news section of this website when the data is available to WARA-Ops members generally.

WARA-Ops at the WASP Winter Conference

9-11 January 2024

WARA-Ops officially launched our data portal at the WASP Winter Conference in Norrköping. We currently have datasets available from organisations including Ericsson, Schneider Electric, Advenica, and the ESS - and we are actively engaged in talks with more partners. Any member of a WASP-affiliated University or an organisation interested in sharing their operational data with researchers is welcome to contact us for a user account! To request an account, please visit the "Portal" link at the top of this page and scroll down to "Request account". You can also find the portal by clicking here.

WARA-Ops at the WASP Industry Days Conference

6-7 November 2023

WARA-Ops presented the first public showing of its new Data Portal at the WASP Industry Days event in Norrköping. The portal hosts datasets from a number of our partners (including Ericsson, Schneider Electric and ESS) and allows researchers to analyse and process this data through a JupyterHub interface hosted on the Ericsson Research Data Centre (ERDC). We plan to launch the portal in early January 2024!

SAAB and WARA-Ops Degree Project available!

8 October 2023

As we build the WARA-Ops portal (expect our first public demonstration at WASP Industry Days in November), we are pleased to advertise the following project available to students wishing for a project for their 30 credit degree projects:"


Please email Johan Eker if you have any questions about this opportunity!

Next (short) lunchtime talk: Jörgen Malmborg - SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC

11 April 2023

The next WARA-Ops lunchtime talk will be at 12:15 on Tuesday 11 April 2023. This will be a short 15 minute talk entitled "Schneider Electric Buildings – Our Data – Simplified Edition", and will be presented by Jörgen Malmborg. The abstract is:

"Presentation introduces an HVAC System (plus mentions connections to other technical systems in the building i.e. Fire and Access Control) on an architectural level. We talk about controllers, I/O devices, field buses and supervisory applications. Further we point out some of the challenges with testing such a system and what data is collected during tests. With this background it is fairly easy to imagine where AI/Machine Learning could assist. Finally a short reference to a couple of other data sets that are produced when developing the Building System."

The meeting will take place over Zoom - please email Paul Townend for the meeting link. Please also consider joining the WARA-Ops mailing list (see below for details). See you on Tuesday!

WARA-Ops mailing list created! 

30th March 2023

WARA-Ops now has a mailing list; this will be a low volume list used to send out meeting announcements, grant opportunities, and updates on WARA-Ops and its associated infrastructure. If you are interested, you can join the list by emailing list-join@wara-ops.org and clicking the confirmation link that will be sent to you. To unsubcribe, email list-leave@wara-ops.org. Any messages you send to the list will not be sent out until approved by the list owners.

First WARA-Ops lunchtime meeting announced! 

14th March 2023 - 12:15-12:45 CET

The first in a series of regular WARA-Ops lunchtime meetings will be held on 14th March 2023 at 12:15-12:45 CET. We will hear a talk from Johan Tordsson - CEO of Elastisys AB - on a data challenge his company faces. The meeting will be strictly kept to 30 minutes in length, and will also feature updates on WARA-Ops infrastructure. Please contact Paul Townend for the meeting link, or visit our channel (#wara-ops) on the official WASP Slack.


9th February 2023

WARA-Ops was officially launched on 9th Februrary 2023. To see a 45 minute video of the event (consisting of two presentations that introduce and explain WARA-Ops) please CLICK THIS LINK.


9TH FEBRUARY @ 12:15 - 13:00 CET

We will be hosting a Zoom meeting to launch WARA-Ops on the 9th Feb 2023!

The meeting will feature two short presentations: Johan Eker (Ericsson Research and Lund University) will present an overview of what we hope to achieve through the WARA-Ops initiative Paul Townend (Umeå University) will discuss what we are building, how this will be organised, and what members of our community can expect to gain Attending this meeting does not imply any commitment to WARA-Ops.
Please contact Paul Townend for more information

Projects and Reports

Anton Risberg: Exploring the WARA-Ops 5G dataset for Qos Prediction
Download Report

Leo Juneblad: A Comparative Analysis of Metadata Tools for use on Unknown Operational Datasets
Download Report

Alban Gashi: Analysis and Reduction of Computer Performance Metric Collection for Predictive Analysis
Download Report

Mailing List

WARA-Ops now has a mailing list; this will be a low volume list used to send out meeting announcements, grant opportunities, and updates on WARA-Ops and its associated infrastructure.

If you are interested, you can join the list by emailing list-join@wara-ops.org and clicking the confirmation link that will be sent to you.

To unsubcribe, email list-leave@wara-ops.org.

Any messages you send to the list will not be sent out until approved by the list owners.

About WARA-Ops

Watch a video that introduces and explains WARA-Ops by clicking here

Ops is an ambitious research arena that seeks to bring together Swedish industry and academia to solve state-of-the-art challenges in data-driven operational research. It will develop an advanced data storage and processing infrastructure that will enable users to interactively store, annotate, process, and visualize large operational datasets, and - importantly - will provide a collaborative environment that will allow users to interact, share data and results, and set challenges and research questions. Ops aims to actively enable and encourage a significant increase in research collaborations between WASP community members, through a unique national resource.

The initial focus of WARA-Ops will be in two key areas:

  • Anomaly detection. We will collect and provide datasets and their associated research challenges, e.g., intrusion detection, denial-of-service attacks, etc. Examples of data include system/software log files, lists of access requests, etc.
  • Autonomous management. We provide and generate datasets that can be used to drive research into next-generation autonomous management systems that can proactively predict future demand, detect, and react to changes in user/network/hardware behaviour, etc. Examples includes power reduction use metrics that such as CPU/Disk/Network/Memory usage over time, power consumption data.

The above research results are applicable across a wide set of application domains, including most online services, communication systems, automation services, energy management, financial and bank systems, online retail, and cloud/edge data centres. The application areas also include software build systems and CI/CD-pipelines. With a strong focus on data storage and cataloging, combined with the provision of a scalable CPUbased environment for interactive data querying, processing, and visualisation, Ops is a natural complement to the Berzelius service (which focuses on GPU-intensive AI/ML workloads). The project is a continuation of WARA-Common - it will be professionally managed by Ericsson Research and significantly extends the current service. Additionally, Ops will include access to a live 5G network and full-scale cloud service, plus access to the monitoring data they generate. In addition to data generated within the Ops arena, the ambition is to also solicit data set through our partner network.

The expected research outputs of Ops are data collection tools (including scalable storage, cataloging, and annotation services), methods for online processing (including auto-scaling resources for interactive data queries, filtering, and visualisation), a collaborative environment to facilitate interaction between researchers and partners (including ability to set research challenges on datasets, allow commenting and communication across researchers, etc.), and ultimately self-learning anomaly detection mechanisms, root cause analysis strategies, and system theory for the control of large-scale systems.

Contact Us

If you're interested in getting involved, or just have questions about WARA-Ops, please get in touch!

WARA-Ops Co-Manager: Paul Townend
WARA-Ops Co-Manager: Johan Eker